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40 Years of Duchy Healers and the AGM

In a week that has included the Spring Equinox, a Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon, plus more CME events from the sun, with the aurora being seen as far south as Cornwall. It was inevitable that these celestial events would add to the energy that made this years AGM a bit different!

Not only was it a wonderful celebration of forty years since Duchy Healers was founded, but it has proved to be a time of great change and new beginnings.

First and foremost, huge thanks must go to committee member, Kathy Salisbury for organising our 40th Anniversary Fayre and also to David Lockwood, who as our Chairman, has stepped down to hopefully enjoy some retirement while still being there in the background to offer the wisdom of his past experience. Kevin and Valerie Bruce-Smith have also stepped down from their ten-year stint as Treasurer and Secretary and a very special mention must be made to voice our appreciation of founding member and active committee member for 40 years, Jan Barker-Adams.

We hand over the reins to Jeanette Goldsworthy as Chair, Jacqueline Davey in the Secretarial role and Tracy Harris as Treasurer. Naturally, there will be a time of transition between the outgoing post holders and the new. But we are sure that positive changes are coming as we forge ahead to support all our members, and of course, everyone who approaches Duchy Healers for training, healing and advice.

The fayre was a wonderful occasion and huge thanks go to all stall holders for adding such a lovely happy 'buzz' to the event and our guest speaker, Christina Murt who gave us a very interesting insight into her role as a Soul Midwife, offering us her analogy of comparing the elements (Earth, Fire, Air and Water) to the stages of death and when observing these stages, it helps us to know how best to offer support to our friends and loved ones as they go through this very special phase of their life. David Lockwood provided a dowsing demonstration and talk and the day concluded with a healing circle, resulting in some very relaxed and sleepy participants!


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